Health History

This is the first step in your health history. Filling this form out will give your Health Coach valuable insight into how to help you succeed in your health and wellness goals.

Daily, weekly, occasionally.
Please provide a number where you can be reached.
Home, Work, Cell, if other please describe.
City, State, Country.
City, State, Country
Single, Married, Separated, Divorced, Widowed, It’s complicated.
Please list names, how they are related to you, and their ages.
What is the breed of your pets and what are their names?
Attend school, go to work, work on hobbies, gone fishing, etc.
Please expand a little.
Many health coaches are capable of assisting with finances, relationships, spirituality and more.
Please tell me a little about each.
Common answers include Hispanic, Caucasian, African American, etc. but some people know more so this space is available for those who like to expand a bit.
Please explain.
Please list.
Please list.
How active are you?
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and favorite beverages.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and favorite beverages.